Saturday, March 17, 2007


After spending a night in Lima, we travelled to Trujillo, 10 hours north. The landscape along the coast is very strange, sometimes dropping several hundred feet to the ocean directly from the road. The slopes are rocky or sandy, and there is no vegetation at all. I didn´t realize how much of Peru is desert.

Trujillo is a nice town close to the beach. We are visiting el pastor Gerardo and his wife Frede. They are interesting people. Frede thinks we can´t understand Spanish very well, so she is always trying to act things out or say a word here and there in English, which only confuses us to no end. It´s hilarious and slightly annoying at the same time.


Blogger Thrushsong said...

Hey, Alban. Thanks for taking time to send out a post to let us know what you're up to. I know I've done the same thing as Frede to international visitors in our home. undoubtedly with the same effect upon them.

3:53 AM  
Blogger Jennifer Payne said...

Hey! I looked up some pictures online of the Peruvian coast--it looks really cool, and just as you described! :) It sounds like you are having a lovely time! By the way, I was able to read most of your previous post without even looking in my Spanish dictionary! I'm learning Spanish vicariously through you! :)

9:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

alban, thanks for the updates on your adventures! sounds like some cool places I would like to have the opportunity to visit someday.


1:37 PM  

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