Sunday, October 07, 2007

Decoration, Or, How to Get Students to Stare at the Ceiling in Silence for Forty Minutes.

I'm sitting in my now clean office (with my bonsai), looking out into the classroom. I've just reconstructed the paper lanterns that Phil and I had in our dorm room and hung them up for my Algebra II students to enjoy. It looks pretty sweet I must admit. Since there are five tables, and I have five lanterns, each table has a lantern directly above it. Two dark green and white, one light blue and gray, one lime green, and one yellow and light blue (the last one looks like a nursery accessory).

I think I may have the students recreate the laterns, only in a larger or smaller size. It would be very interesting to use proportions to create the perfect piece for a 36" or 3" diameter lantern.

Now to grading I go. Hurray (can you sense my excitement?).

Wednesday, October 03, 2007


Don't complain. It's only been half a year since I last posted. Nothing major has happened in my life since that point. Save a hectic school-year finish including several Much Ado About Nothing performances, a superb sailing summer at MiVoden, and an unexpected switch from student to teacher. Nothing major.

I like blogging, but I'm lazy, and prefer putting pictures up. The absence of a camera is forcing me to do otherwise.

Yes, the rumors are true. I ditched Walla Walla for a year to teach Algebra II and Computers at Highland View Academy (and an SAT prep class for Koreans/Taiwanese). It's exhausting, but I love it. Some of my students were here when I graduated. It's crazy.

Other news: Both Arsenal and the HVA soccer team are doing famously. HVA has played 7 games and won 5 of them. They tied to SVA and lost to TA (due in part to shoddy refereeing). Arsenal remain undeafeated. I love to give updates on the games to my students. Most of them don't care, but I figure they'll at least be curious by the end of the year. When they tease me by saying "Arsenal Sucks!" I simply reply "Hey, I just think the US is remiss in their negligence of the most beautiful game in the world. I'm supporting real football through Arsenal. If you don't like them, support the game through some other team!"

As I finish this short update, I ask myself, "How many consistent updates will it take before people start checking this dormant page again?"

PS Did you notice all my it'ses are correct? Thanks, "Eats, Shoots and Leaves."